Macro Financial Solutions | FDIC Part 370 Recordkeeping
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Lesylee Hodge

Lesylee Hodge

Financial Institution Liquidation Expert – Macro Financial Solutions

Lesylee Hodge is a subject matter expert on applying FDIC’s deposit insurance regulations in failed financial closings. She brings over 35 years of experience as a financial institution liquidator. Lesylee was a core member and lead SME on development of FDIC’s automated deposit insurance determination system as well as a SME on the FDIC team that drafted Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which established FDIC Part 370 Rules & Regulations. Lesylee has represented the FDIC as a presenter and consultant in several countries including Taiwan and Nicaragua.


She received her Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance from The University of Central Oklahoma.

Financial regulatory solutions, consulting
and compliance readiness.